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Searched for: all of the terms [ carolyn ] [ eastman ] in author name
14 results found
  1. <i>Female Genius: Eliza Harriot and George Washington at the Dawn of the Constitution</i> by Mary Sarah Bilder (review) cover
  2. Introduction cover
  3. <i>The Poison Plot: A Tale of Adultery and Murder in Colonial Newport</i> by Elaine Forman Crane (review) cover
  4. Surveying the Fields cover
  5. <i>An Empire of Print: The New York Publishing Trade in the Early American Republic</i> by Steven Carl Smith (review) cover
  6. Whites "Blacken'd" and Men "Guilty of Whoredom": Sex and Race in the Colonies cover
  7. Negotiating the Personal and the Academic cover
  8. <i>The Story of America: Essays on Origins</i> by Jill Lepore (review) cover
  9. "Marriage is no frolic"; or, The Rise and Fall of Nonmarital Sex in Early Philadelphia cover
  10. Humanism and America: An Intellectual History of English Colonisation (review) cover